Applications, recipes and medicinal properties of white acacia.

Medicinal plant white acacia is a tree from the legume family, reaching a height of up to 15 - 20 meters, with a beautiful spreading crown and white, pleasantly smelling flowers collected in racemes.


Acacia It blooms from late May to early June, after which fruits appear on the tree: dark brown flat pods with 4 to 6 legume-shaped seeds.

ACTIVE SUBSTANCES. PARTS OF WHITE ACACIA USED. White acacia People have long called it a sacred plant for its rare and amazing healing properties. In folk medicine acacia flowers used internally as anti-inflammatory, for pain in the intestines, food allergies, gastric bleeding, inflammatory processes of the urinary tract (pyelonephritis), inflammation of women.

White acacia. Benefit and harm. Video



WHITE ACACIA DECOVERY. In the treatment of these diseases should be taken decoction of acacia flowers: tablespoon dry color for half a liter of water, boil for three minutes. When it cools down, express and take two tablespoons three times a day for 20 minutes before meals. The treatment course is a month.


BLOOD CLEANSING PURPOSES WITH WHITE ACACIA. Prepare oregano, sage, horsetail,- a couple of parts, and , nettle, St. John's wort, and- one part at a time.

spoon tbsp. collection, pour two hundred and fifty ml. (glass) of boiling water and leave, covering it, until it cools. Drink a couple of tablespoons three times a day before meals, half an hour. Treatment course - thirty days, break - a week and then repeat the course.

Tincture of fresh white acacia flowers externally (one hundred grams per three hundred ml., leave for a couple of weeks, shaking periodically) in the form of rubbing, it is used for radiculitis, rheumatism, gout. Should be taken in addition to rubbing orally tincture twenty-five caps. several times a day for thirty minutes. before meals for thirty days with thirty ml. water.

How to prepare a tincture of white acacia flowers? Video

Wipe well acacia tincture limbs are motionless (up from the fingers), with multiple sclerosis - spine area, and lubricate in the same way, rubbing the areas lightly, damaged by thrombophlebitis, three to five times a day.

TINCTURE. White acacia for rubbing. Fifty gr. dried flowers white acacia half a liter vodka pour and leave in a dark place for twenty-one days, shaking periodically, strain and apply for rubbing.

Effective application for rubbing, rubbing in and orally for administration from fresh acacia flowers tincture(two hundred grams of fresh color per half liter vodka).

RECIPE FOR RUBBLE WITH WHITE ACACIA FOR RHEUMATISM, MYOSITIS, RADICULITIS, JOINT PAIN. To do this you need to take a couple of glasses. vodka, pour fifty grams into it. acacia flowers, and leave for three weeks in a dark place, and do not forget to shake periodically. When the mixture has infused, strain it - and then the liquid for rubbing will be ready. Rubbing should be done a couple of times a day, every day.

FOLK RECIPE WITH WHITE ACACIA FOR FIBROID. For uterine fibroids and inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive system, a decoction taken from white acacia flowers. To prepare, take a tablespoon of dried flowers and pour a couple of tbsp. water, bring to a boil and cook for another couple of minutes. leave on low heat until it boils a little. Afterwards, strain the contents, cool and add water as before boiling. This decoction should be taken daily 3 - 4 times 0.500 hours before meals, a tablespoon of tbsp.

White acacia. Nervous disorders, etc. Video

FOLK RECIPE FOR TINCTURE WITH WHITE ACACIA FOR INFERTILITY. Tincture of white acacia flowers is taken for infertility. To do this, pour ten grams. flowers (fresh) ten gr. alcohol or vodka. We insist on everything for up to ten days. Apply acacia tincture should be taken three times a day, and diluted: twenty drops. tinctures need to be mixed with tbsp. spoon of water.

FOLK RECIPE FOR BOTH WITH WHITE ACACIA FOR COLDS . For coughs and colds or as a means to reduce fever, a decoction of white acacia leaves is used. You need to take Art. one spoon of dried leaves, crushed into powder, add a glass of boiling water, put on fire and boil for 5 minutes. on the lowest heat. Cool the broth, strain it and take one tablespoon of tbsp several times before meals.

FOLK RECIPE FOR COLLECTION WITH WHITE ACACIA FOR CYSTITIS. Acute and chronic cystitis can be cured by herbal collection of acacia flowers, calendula, wheatgrass root. n fifty gr. pour three hundred ml of this collection. water, bring to a boil, boil for 8 minutes. Then remove the broth from the heat and leave for a while. 60 minutes, then strain and add boiling water to the original volume. You need to drink this decoction every day three times before meals, fifty ml each.

Be healthy!

White acacia, treatment. Video

For me, the arrival of summer is associated with the flowering of white acacia. When the air is filled with an amazing aroma, one involuntarily recalls the words of the famous romance: “The fragrant clusters of white acacia drove us crazy all night long.”... It turns out that they can not only drive you crazy, but also help in the fight against many ailments. Today I would like to tell you about the beneficial properties of white acacia, provide several recipes for traditional medicine and tell you about those cases when you should not use it.

We don’t think we should tell you what acacia looks like, since this tree from the legume family is known to everyone. In its homeland, North America, acacia often grows up to 35 meters in height, while in Russia traditionally there are trees not exceeding 6 meters. The average lifespan of an acacia is half a century, but during its short life, an acacia manages to bring a lot of benefits.

White acacia: composition

The bark, flowers and fruits of white acacia are used as raw materials for medicines. The flowers contain robinia glycoside, flavonoids, fragrant essential oil, sugars, and organic acids. Tannins, toxalbuminrobin, essential oil, stigmasterol, phytosterol, and tannins were found in the bark.

White acacia: properties

White acacia is characterized by many healing properties. Helps with exacerbation of gastritis and peptic ulcers. Preparations based on white acacia are used for diseases of the kidneys and bladder. Acacia is also effective for rheumatism. But white acacia has the greatest benefit on women's health. It not only helps relieve inflammation of the genital area, but even cures infertility.

At present, the composition of white acacia has not been fully studied, therefore, in the future, the list of beneficial properties will probably be replenished with dozens more items.

White acacia: contraindications

Despite its beneficial effects on the human body, white acacia is still a poisonous plant; it contains toxic substances. Therefore, in order to avoid poisoning, we advise you to consult a doctor before using preparations based on white acacia and strictly follow the recommendations and dosage.

White acacia: uses and recipes of traditional medicine

Infusion of white acacia for female inflammation

You will need:
White acacia flowers - 1 tablespoon,
Water – 1 glass.

Cooking method
1. Pour boiling water over the acacia leaves.
2. Let it sit for an hour. We filter.
3. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals for a month.

For inflammatory processes in the female reproductive system, douching with a decoction of white acacia flowers is also useful. To do this, boil 1 tablespoon of acacia flowers in half a liter of water for three minutes. We filter, cool to a temperature of about 30 degrees and douche. The procedure should be carried out continuously for at least 10 days. By the way, the same decoction helps get rid of cervical erosion.

White acacia tea for infertility

You will need:
Acacia flowers - about 1 teaspoon,
Water – 1 glass.

Cooking method
1. Brew acacia flowers with boiling water.
2. Take it instead of regular tea. Every two months you need to take a two-month break.

White acacia tincture to relieve headaches

You will need:
White acacia flowers,
Cologne "Triple".

Cooking method
1. Fill a half-liter jar with white acacia flowers.
2. Pour cologne to the top.
3. Let it sit for a week.
4. Wet a handkerchief in the tincture, squeeze it lightly and apply it to the crown of the head. Cover the top with cellophane and insulate it with a scarf.

White acacia tincture for dental disease

You will need:
Acacia flowers – 1 teaspoon,
Water – 1 glass.

Cooking method
1. Pour boiling water over the acacia flowers.
2. Cover with a lid and let cool slightly.
3. Rinse your teeth with a warm solution.

White acacia for nervous stress

You will need:
acacia flowers,

Cooking method
1. Fill a liter jar halfway with acacia flowers.
2. Fill with additional vodka.
3. Close the lid tightly and leave for two weeks in a dark place, do not forget to shake from time to time.
4. After the designated time has passed, filter the tincture. We squeeze out the flowers and throw them away.
5. Take 3 times a day, a quarter of an hour before meals, 1 teaspoon diluted with 50 grams of water.
The same infusion will also help in the fight against heel spurs. Just apply a tampon soaked in white acacia infusion to your heel.

White acacia tincture with milk for uterine fibroids

You will need:
White acacia flowers – 1 teaspoon,
Milk – 1 glass,
Honey - to taste.

Cooking method
1. Place acacia flowers in a saucepan and fill with milk.
2. Place on the fire and bring to a boil.
3. Cool and filter.
4. Add honey to taste.
5. We drink the tincture 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon after meals.

Tincture of young branches of acacia for increased acidity of gastric juice, gastric and duodenal ulcers, constipation

You will need:
Crushed white acacia bark - 1/2 teaspoon,
Water – 2 glasses.

Cooking method
1. Pour boiling water over the crushed acacia bark.
2. Let it sit for an hour.
3. Strain and cool.
4. Take 1/3-1/2 cup 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

Tincture of white acacia flowers for radiculitis, cuts, wounds, thrombophlebitis

You will need:
White acacia flowers – 5 grams,
Vodka – 100 ml.

Cooking method
1. Fill the acacia flowers with white vodka.
2. Let it sit for 10 days.
3. Take 3 times a day, half an hour before meals, 20-25 drops, diluted in 1/2 glass of water.
4. For thrombophlebitis, swollen venous nodes should be lubricated with this infusion.
Be healthy and do not forget to share your secrets of beauty and health with other visitors to the portal site.

Hello dear readers. The smell of spring is already in the air, our weather is beautiful, it’s so warm. I'm already waiting for the spring flowers to bloom. And under our windows there is a white acacia growing, so when the white acacia blooms, it’s something. Incredible beauty, plus aroma. The aroma of sweet honey and flowers in the area. Passing by white acacia trees, you just want to stop and smell the fragrant acacia flowers. My grandmother liked white acacia for its medicinal properties, and she uses it for treatment. I will write some recipes below. Also, my grandmother told me that acacia is a “female tree”; thanks to acacia, many women’s diseases can be cured. It is very useful for women to inhale the aroma of white acacia flowers, which has a beneficial effect not only on the nervous system, but also on the entire body as a whole. Also, my grandmother always bought acacia honey. Yesterday we also bought a jar of acacia honey from a beekeeper we know. How tasty and aromatic it is. Acacia honey remains liquid for a very long time and does not become sugary. This honey belongs to the valuable varieties of honey and has a healing effect on the body and is useful for strengthening the immune system. And it is used quite widely in folk medicine and cosmetology.

When the acacia tree blooms, so many bees circle around the flowers collecting sweet nectar. Flowers secrete nectar for 3-4 days. And this happens most intensely in the morning, when the air temperature reaches 20-24 degrees. White acacia trees are good honey plants. Acacia honey has a pleasant, delicate taste and floral aroma. From one large acacia tree, bees can collect from 5 to 7 kg. honey

I recently read that acacia honey can be used by patients with diabetes, since its processing does not require the pancreatic hormone insulin. And also, acacia honey is considered “baby honey”; it is very tender, tasty and useful for the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

White acacia flowers mean purity. The white acacia tree is a symbol of immortality, as well as a tree that bestows strength. The white acacia tree can reach 20 meters in height. Acacia leaves are green, alternate, and the leaves are three times as long as they are wide.

The homeland of white acacia is North America. Acacia grows almost throughout Europe. Trees are cultivated in the Far East, Crimea, and Central Asia.

Collection and preparation of white acacia flowers. White acacia flowers are harvested for medicinal purposes during flowering. Flowers are collected in a half-bloomed state, in dry weather. Dry in a well-ventilated area, lay out the flowers in a thin layer on paper. During drying, the flowers are turned over. Finished raw materials are stored in glass jars, cotton bags, and paper bags. And the bark and leaves can be prepared from spring until September.

In addition to acacia, birch buds are also harvested; how to use and harvest birch buds can be read in the article ““.

White acacia flowers are very fragrant and very delicate. The flowers are white, moth-type, and they are collected in drooping racemes. Acacia begins to bloom in May-June, depending on the region and weather conditions.

During the flowering of white acacia, I prepare white acacia for myself, because it is truly an excellent remedy that helps cope with female diseases and has an expectorant. The flowers are used for coughs and as an antipyretic.

White acacia. Medicinal properties.

The flowers of white acacia contain: essential oil, tannins, sugar, organic acids, flavonoids, vitamins, minerals, glycosides, pectins. An infusion, tincture, or decoction is prepared from the flowers and used internally, as a rub, or as a douche.

  • White acacia flowers have antispasmodic properties.
  • Flowers have antipyretic properties.
  • Acacia flowers have anti-inflammatory healing properties.
  • Acacia flowers are also used as an expectorant for coughs and bronchitis.
  • Acacia has bactericidal properties.
  • Acacia is used as a diuretic and mild laxative.
  • An infusion of flowers is used as an antispasmodic agent.
  • Also, acacia flowers are used as a hemostatic agent.
  • White acacia is used for radiculitis, rheumatism, and osteochondrosis.

Preparations prepared from white acacia flowers are used for colds, coughs, to normalize sleep and relieve nervous tension, for diseases of the genitourinary area, for pain in the stomach and intestines, for rheumatism, for radiculitis, and wounds. White acacia bark is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

White acacia. Application.

White acacia is widely used in folk medicine.

Acacia flowers for female diseases. For inflammatory diseases of the female genital area, drink an infusion prepared from white acacia flowers. One tablespoon of flowers is poured into a glass of boiling water, infused, filtered and taken a tablespoon before meals, three times a day. Take for a month.

A decoction of white acacia flowers is very useful for women's diseases and is even used to treat infertility. For leucorrhoea, it is very useful to chew fresh white acacia flowers and swallow their juice.

White acacia flowers are used for douching for female diseases. Add a tablespoon of flowers to half a liter of water, boil everything over low heat for three minutes, leave, strain. Douche with warm decoction for 5-7 days.

For rheumatism, radiculitis, joint pain. Use tincture of acacia flowers, rub the tincture, rub the tincture into the sore spot. To prepare the tincture you will need: 50 grams of white acacia flowers and half a liter of vodka. Pour half a liter of vodka over acacia flowers. Leave in a dark place for about 3 weeks, shake the tincture periodically.

For coughs, colds and as an antipyretic. A decoction of acacia flowers is used as an expectorant for coughs, and also as an antipyretic. Add a tablespoon of flowers to a glass of water, boil for a couple of minutes over low heat, infuse and take 1/3 of a glass before meals, three times a day.

You can prepare an infusion from acacia flowers; for this, pour a tablespoon of flowers with a glass of boiling water, leave for 25 minutes, filter and take with honey. It is better to eat honey as a bite, you can use acacia honey. If you have the opportunity to purchase acacia honey, I highly recommend it, it is very tasty, aromatic and very healthy.

For nervous system disorders. Take an alcohol tincture of white acacia flowers. To do this, fill a liter jar halfway with white acacia flowers, fill it with vodka to the top and leave it to steep in a dark place for three weeks. Next, filter and take a teaspoon several times a day.

For diseases of the oral cavity. For periodontal disease and stomatitis, it is recommended to rinse the mouth with an infusion or decoction prepared from acacia flowers. Rinse with warm decoction or infusion. Also, oak bark is used to treat gums; you can read more about the medicinal properties of oak bark, its use and contraindications in the article ““.

White acacia. Contraindications.

The use of white acacia is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

An overdose of preparations from white acacia may cause headache, nausea, weakness, and general malaise.

Preparations from acacia bark are used with caution, as it contains toxic substances that can cause poisoning.

It is also worth noting that before using white acacia preparations, it is best to consult your doctor.

The healing properties of white acacia are truly impressive; it does not bloom for long, so during the flowering period you can prepare white acacia for yourself.

  • Collection and storage

    It is advisable to collect acacia when it has just bloomed. For drying, you can lay it out on sheets of paper. It is very important not to place acacia flowers in the sun, but to dry them only in the shade, in a room where there is ventilation. Leaves and flowers are harvested for medicinal purposes. Can be collected in a half-bloomed state.

    It is also necessary to do douching to achieve quick results and recovery. To do this, take 1 liter of boiling water and 1 heaped tablespoon of snow-white flowers. Pour boiling water and leave until the water becomes warm.

    Half a liter of tincture is enough for one procedure. Thus, you do 10 douching procedures daily, and at the same time, for a month, use the infusion. By combining these two procedures, a disease such as cervical erosion is completely cured.

    A unique recipe for tincture for infertility

    Pour boiling water over 1 tablespoon of flowers and take as tea before meals. Drink for two months, then take a break for the same amount of time. Repeat the course again. And drink in such cycles until...

    Tincture of white acacia flowers used for many diseases

    Acacia flowers should be used fresh. Mix 1 tablespoon with 100 ml of high-quality vodka or moonshine, place in a jar, maybe a liter, and close with a tight lid. Leave for ten days in a dark place. Filter the elixir (tincture). Drink three times a day 15 minutes before meals, according to the proportion: 1 teaspoon per 50 ml of water.

  • the tincture cures toothaches, helps with - rinse the mouth with the tincture diluted in water 1:2;
  • It is recommended to rub white acacia tincture into sore spots in the morning and evening.
  • White acacia flowers for diabetics

    This is the best thing for diabetics; it contains beneficial properties. Honey improves immunity and improves the functioning of the body's internal system.

    If you make the medicine incorrectly or use large doses, you can harm your health. As a result, the medicine must be prepared in accordance with the prescription and used with caution. And remember that before using any medicine, you should consult your doctor.

    In the warm spring, when acacia bushes bloom, you can not only enjoy aesthetic pleasure, but also take care of your health by collecting flowers. Nature has endowed this plant with components beneficial to humans. The entire plant has healing properties, from the bark to the flowers and fruits. Acacia color is simply irreplaceable in the presence of peptic ulcers, thrombophlebitis, stomatitis, and high acidity. Fragrant buds will help you get yourself in order during the cold season.

    Natural medicine has been used for many years in various forms, but the most popular and at the same time most effective is the tincture of white acacia.

    What are the benefits of white acacia flower tincture?

    In folk medicine, acacia tincture has a wide range of uses. Its regular use in small doses strengthens the immune system and is used as a natural drug for the treatment of:

    • kidney;
    • bladder;
    • gastritis;
    • diseases on the female side.

    The healing properties of the infusion, according to herbalists, can “defeat” infertility. Women have been taking the tincture for many years to relieve inflammation of the reproductive system.

    White acacia: contraindications

    Although they contain healthy components, flowers contain a share of toxic substances.

    1. Acacia tincture should be used only as a remedy, observing the dosage. If it is not followed, headache, drowsiness, nausea or vomiting will appear.
    2. Large doses of tincture taken can lead to poisoning of the body and loss of consciousness.
    3. It is better to consult your physician before deciding to use the infusion as a medicine.
    4. You will have to give up acacia infusion with alcohol during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

    Doctors have noted that flower remedies should not be used if you have the following diseases:

    • low stomach acidity;
    • plant allergy.
    Acacia harvest time

    Acacia blossom, which is later used to prepare homemade medicine, can be purchased in pharmacies, but it is more pleasant and useful to collect it yourself. At this moment, you can enjoy the aroma of flowering bushes and at the same time take a walk in the fresh air, saturating your body with oxygen. In May, when the bushes begin to bloom, the buds and flowers that have not yet fully blossomed can be harvested for preparing infusions.

    Collected flowers should be dried for long-term storage (2 years). With the right technology, mold will not form on them. You will need to lay out the raw materials on a tray with a fine mesh or clean paper. The main condition for proper drying is shade and constant access of air. From time to time, gently stir the acacia flowers to ensure more uniform drying. The time it will take for this is very easy to determine; the flowers and buds should be completely dry, crumbling when pressed. You can use a household fruit drying device with trays to speed up the process. If this is the case, spread the acacia evenly and select the “Herbs” mode. Store this medicinal preparation in fabric bags or immediately begin preparing the tincture.

    White acacia tincture - application

    White acacia, which is part of the tincture, is used in folk medicine as a medicine that fights fever and inflammatory processes. During the cold season, taking the infusion will have an expectorant effect. Robinia (acacia) has a diuretic effect. The products that contain it stop bleeding. Regular use of an infusion of its flowers regulates blood pressure and allows you to gently lower it. By preparing this remedy at home, autumn colds will not be scary. The components that white acacia is rich in protect the body from viruses, help with a runny nose, sore throat, and help quickly relieve coughs.

    In folk medicine, the tincture has proven itself well as a remedy that helps with radiculitis and rheumatic, neuralgic pain. The tincture, which is taken orally, can have a choleretic and laxative effect. It is taken to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, gastric ulcers and gastritis. This home remedy will help remove sand from the kidneys and reduce pain from pyelonephritis or cystitis, even in chronic form.

    White acacia has been considered a flower of women's health since ancient times. When treating with folk remedies, the fair sex used the tincture to get rid of fibroids, inflammation of the appendages, and many gynecological diseases. People believed that an infusion of Robinia flowers cured infertility. The product can be used not only internally, but also externally, in the form of rubbing or compresses. The infusion has the property of penetrating deep into the tissue, while relieving pain. It is used in the treatment of shallow wounds, thrombophlebitis, and rubbed on the body in case of paralysis after a stroke or multiple sclerosis. In places where the skin is burned, the infusion is applied directly to the affected area.

    The prepared infusion has a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional component of the body, eliminating:

    • insomnia;
    • headaches;
    • bad mood;
    • nervous breakdowns.

    The tincture is used to restore strength, the decline of which is caused by a lack of vitamins, which is very important in early spring. In folk advice, it is noted that acacia tincture helps in relieving the symptoms of food allergies. Acacia has a positive effect during rehabilitation after a course of chemotherapy. Substances contained in flowers remove toxins and waste from the body.

    White acacia vodka tincture - recipe. Flower tinctures prepared at home have a pronounced honey aroma; if the recipe is followed, their taste is sweet. The classic recipe is a vodka-based infusion; it is believed that it is best to collect flowers before the first May showers. In this case, the tincture turns out to be more aromatic due to the high concentration of acacia nectar. You will need:

    • white acacia flowers (Robinia) – 2 liters;
    • vodka – 400 ml;
    • sugar – 200 gr.;
    • drinking water – 200ml.


    1. Sort out the pre-collected acacia flowers and rinse them (for convenience, you can put them in a sieve and place them under running water).
    2. Transfer the washed raw materials into a clean glass jar and cover with sugar.
    3. Compact the contents with a masher or rolling pin.
    4. Leave for 10 minutes, then tamp down again.
    5. Repeat the above process 2 more times.
    6. Place the lid on the jar and put it in a dark place (kitchen cabinet) for 4 days.
    7. After this time, drain the resulting nectar into a colander lined with gauze.
    8. Squeeze well, pour the squeeze into a clean jar.
    9. Add vodka and water, leave for another 4 days.

    It happens that the infusion turns out to be cloudy, then it must be strained through medical cotton wool or gauze folded in three layers.

    White acacia tincture for use in alcohol. Alcohol tincture of Robinia (white acacia) is used in traditional medicine recipes for the prevention and relief of a wide range of diseases. In strong alcohol, acacia flowers more actively release beneficial substances. An alcohol-based infusion is used to treat kidneys, bladder, ulcers, heartburn, and belching. Used externally as a remedy that soothes pain in rheumatism, osteochondrosis and radiculitis. To do this, rub acacia tincture on sore spots and joints.

    Robinia flowers in alcohol can be bought at the pharmacy, but it is much more interesting to prepare them yourself. In addition, this process does not require special skills; raw materials can be prepared in the spring during the flowering of the bush, or purchased at the pharmacy all year round. To infuse white acacia with alcohol you will need:

    • fresh buds or dried robinia flowers - 1 tablespoon;
    • alcohol – 100 ml.


    1. If you use acacia that you collected yourself or purchased on the market, it must be washed with tap water.
    2. In a clean jar or glass vessel with a lid, combine the flowers and alcohol and mix.
    3. Screw on the lid and leave to infuse for 10 days in a dark place.
    4. After this time, strain the prepared infusion through a fine sieve (the flowers are no longer used for medicinal purposes).
    5. Store the alcohol tincture, covered, in the refrigerator.

    The product prepared according to this recipe will get rid of cholesterol plaques and cleanse the blood of toxins.

    How to use acacia on alcohol? If there are blood clots, it is necessary in the morning, before breakfast, to dilute half a teaspoon of white acacia tincture in clean water. Drink the resulting medicine in small sips.

    If you are bothered by acid belching after eating, immediately take a diluted infusion in the amount of 1 teaspoon per 100 ml. drinking water. You will need to drink the product in one gulp. Alcoholic flower tincture has not only a healing effect on internal organs. When used externally, the infusion, enriched with beneficial substances from Robinia flowers, is capable of healing the skin with shallow wounds, abrasions, and burns.

    For cosmetic purposes, alcohol-based white acacia is used to cleanse the face of acne at any age. Proponents of natural remedies note that such a remedy treats psoriasis. When applied to the skin and joints, the infusion soothes pain due to rheumatism or gout. To do this, after treating the desired areas, you should wrap them in a towel or thick soft cloth. In this state, rest for 30 minutes. During this time, the substances from the infusion will penetrate the skin, reduce swelling and eliminate pain.