Social studies lesson. "What is heredity." 5th grade.

Nizhnyaya Salda

Sverdlovsk region

Lesson type: A lesson in “discovering” new knowledge.

Objective of the lesson: contribute to the formation of students’ ideas about its hereditary characteristics.

Educational Resources : Domashek, E.V. School handbook for social studies. – Rostov n/a: Phoenix, 2010

Presentation “What is heredity”

Lesson plan:

    What is heredity?

    Heredity is a biological entity.

    Is it possible to influence heredity?

Methods and forms of training:

Methods – visual, partial search, practical, control

Forms: individual, frontal.

Basic concepts: Society, heredity, instinct.

Planned results


Metasubject UUD

Personal UUD

Will learn: name the difference between man and animal; work with the textbook text.

Will have the opportunity to learn: analyze diagrams and tables; express one's own opinion and judgment

Cognitive: search for the necessary information; independently create activity algorithms for solving problems of various nature.

Communicative: allow the possibility of different points of view among people, including those that do not coincide with his own, and are guided by the position of the partner in communication and interaction.

Regulatory: determine the goals and personally significant problem of the lesson; act taking into account the guidelines outlined by the teacher

Comprehend : humanistic traditions and values ​​of modern society, understand the importance of knowledge for humans and accept it.

Lesson steps


and developmental components, tasks and exercises

Teacher activities





to study



Emotional, psychological and motivational preparation of students to master the material being studied.


Creates conditions for students to develop an internal need for inclusion in educational activities and clarifies the thematic framework. Organizes the formulation of the topic and setting the goal of the lesson by students

    Students are asked to work in pairs to think about the statement: “A person is born as a “blank slate on which information is then written.” Answer the question whether they agree with him.

    Slide 3.

    The teacher asks the question: what concept definesreceipt by any living creature from its parents (ancestors) of certain biological characteristics (properties).

    Lets you down students to understand that"Heredity" - that's how it is topic lesson

    Offers students to determine what new knowledge fifth-graders will receive in the lesson.

    Lesson Plan . Slide 4.

Listen and discuss the topic of the lesson, discuss the goals of the lesson and try to formulate them independently

The guys assume that even immediately after birth they differ from each other, since they receive a number of traits from their parents (features of appearance).

Suggested answer -heredity

They are supposed to find out what heredity is, whether it is possible to influence heredity

II. Updating knowledge


    Teacher updates students understand that human life depends on two factors: heredity and environment. Slide 5.

    Asks students find in the dictionary the meaning of the concept “heredity”Slide 6.

Write a new concept in their dictionaries

III. Learning new material

Working with presentation slides.

Working with the textbook. pp.11-13

    Teacher reports that the science that studies heredity is called genetics.

    Introduces with G. Mendel, the founder of genetics.Slide 7.

    Formulates the task “What does a person inherit from his parents? Slide 8.

    Leads students to understanding that heredity is the biological essence of man

    Shows slide 9,

The presentation covers the following questions: 1. What is heredity. 2. Heredity is the biological essence of all people 3. Is it possible to influence heredity.

The presentation will help the teacher organize the lesson and will also help students who could not attend the lesson to study the topic on their own.



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Slide captions:

The Mystery of Man Lesson 3

Lesson plan: 1. What is heredity. 2. Heredity is the biological essence of all people. 3. Is it possible to influence heredity?

What is heredity? Why does one person look like mom and another like dad? One for grandma and one for grandpa? Why do they say about relatives “as similar as two peas in a pod”? How are all people on Earth similar?

A person inherits certain biological characteristics (properties) from his ancestors and relatives. The heredity of an animal is manifested in its instincts, i.e. in certain actions and behavior. There is no need to worry about instincts, because... they exist from birth. Do humans have instincts?

Fill in the table using a set of words: What we inherit from our parents What we must learn Common to all people Special to different people 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9 6 2, 4 1. The ability to defend oneself 2. The ability to relate to others, how to treat yourself 3. The ability to stock up for future use 4. The ability to distinguish good from bad 5. The ability to build housing 6. A certain oval face 7. The ability to move 8. The ability to think 9. The ability to satisfy hunger

Heredity is the biological essence of all people. From generation to generation, a person’s ability to perceive the world around him, to think, to speak is passed on. At birth, a person receives the characteristics of his emotions from his parents: one is calm and reasonable, the other is active and emotional. All this proves that man is a biological being.

What do we inherit from our parents? About the peculiarities of appearance And what inherited biological traits distinguish people from other living organisms? About the structural features of the cerebral cortex. With the ability to walk upright. With the ability to abstract thinking. With the ability to be creative.

Is it possible to influence heredity? Much depends on the person’s living conditions. A lot depends on a person’s upbringing. A person, his character and behavior are influenced by: Education Culture N Eral values ​​So, a person is not only a biological being, but also a social one, i.e. public

How does a person differ from animals? What biological characteristics does a person inherit? What can affect heredity? What is the mystery of man? Let's repeat the main thing:

Homework: § 1 – to the end (pp. 11-14). Assignments in Workbook No. 4-8 (pp. 5-9).

A few words for the teacher: The course is prepared for teaching materials: Social studies. 5th grade. Textbook for general education institutions. Edited by L.N. Bogolyubova, L.F. Ivanova. - M.: Education, 2012. Workbook: L.F.Ivanova, Ya.V. Khoteenkova. Social science. 5th grade. A manual for students of general education institutions. - M.: Education, 2012. Methodological manual: Methodological recommendations for the textbook “Social studies: citizen, society, state”: 5th grade: Manual for teachers / L.N. Bogolyubov, N.F. Vineyard, N.I. Gorodetskaya and others; edited by L.F. Ivanova. M.: Prosveshchenie, 2003. When developing the Presentations, we used the Social Science Workbook: Grade 5 / A.S. Mitkin.- M.: Exam, 2012. The presentations used illustrations from the open bank of illustrations Yandex and Google: / ; https://

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

The mystery of man

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Heredity refers to the reproduction in descendants of biological similarities with their parents.

Heredity is a person’s genetic program that determines his genotype.

Hereditary programs of human development include deterministic and variable parts that determine the general things that make a person human, and the special things that make people so different from each other.

The deterministic part of the hereditary program ensures, first of all, the continuation of the human race, as well as the specific inclinations of a person as a representative of the human race, including the inclinations of speech, upright walking, labor activity, and thinking.

External characteristics are passed on from parents to children: body features, constitution, hair, eye and skin color.

The combination of various proteins in the body is strictly genetically programmed, blood groups and the Rh factor are determined.

Blood diseases (hemophilia), diabetes mellitus, and some endocrine disorders—dwarfism—are hereditary.

Hereditary properties also include features of the nervous system, which determine the character and characteristics of the course of mental processes.

The inclinations for various types of activities are inherited. Every child by nature has four groups of inclinations: intellectual, artistic and social. Inclinations are a natural prerequisite for the development of abilities. A few words need to be said about intellectual (cognitive, educational) inclinations. All normal people naturally receive high potential for the development of their mental and cognitive powers. The existing differences in the types of higher nervous activity only change the course of thought processes, but do not predetermine the quality and level of intellectual activity itself. But teachers and psychologists admit that there may be heredity unfavorable for the development of intellectual abilities. Negative predispositions are created, for example, by sluggish brain cells in children of alcoholics, disrupted genetic structures in drug addicts, and hereditary mental illnesses.
Hereditary diseases
All hereditary diseases caused by the presence of one pathological gene are inherited in accordance with Mendel's laws. The occurrence of hereditary diseases is caused by disturbances in the process of storage, transmission and implementation of hereditary information. The key role of hereditary factors in the occurrence of a pathological gene leading to disease is confirmed by the very high frequency of a number of diseases in some families compared to the general population.

Hereditary diseases are diseases transmitted to offspring, caused by changes in hereditary information - gene, chromosomal and genomic mutations. The terms “hereditary diseases” and “congenital diseases” are not synonymous. Congenital diseases are those that are detected at birth; they can be associated with both hereditary and exogenous factors. For example, developmental defects can occur not only due to genetic disorders, but also as a result of infectious agents affecting the embryo. factors, ionizing radiation, chemical compounds, medicines. Hereditary diseases are not always congenital, since many of them do not appear immediately after birth, but several years, sometimes decades later. The term “family diseases” should also not be used as a synonym for the term “hereditary diseases”, since the latter can be caused not only by hereditary factors, but also by living conditions or professional traditions of the family.

The formation of a person’s personality is simultaneously influenced by both traits inherited from parents and the environment. The debate about which of these factors is more important still continues. Some believe that proper upbringing can correct any congenital defects. However, is this really so? In our list you will find facts that will make you doubt this.

1. Laziness

Some people are simply pathologically lazy. They are able to lie on the couch all day long and get boundless pleasure from it. Recently, researchers have discovered that it is not so much poor upbringing that is to blame for the behavior of such people, but a special set of genes. Scientists compared two groups of rats, one of which selected the most active individuals, and the other - the laziest. A study of their offspring revealed differences at the genetic level, which, obviously, determines the characteristics of their behavior.

2. The desire to travel


Have you noticed how difficult it is for individuals to move? While others are constantly drawn to the road like a magnet? The difference in their behavior is not explained by their erudition, intellectual development, or level of romanticism. It's all because of the DRD4-7R gene, the presence of which causes a tendency to change places, travel and adventure. It does not occur so often - in about 20% of people, but it is its presence that pushes people to continuously change their place of residence and adventurous travel.

3. Driving a car

Driving a car doesn't seem like such a difficult task. You just need to learn a certain set of rules, get used to the controls and practice a little. But why do some people completely fail to master this simple science? As an answer to this question, geneticists cite a study that identified a special chain of genes that directly affects memory, spatial orientation and reaction speed. Carriers of these genes, and there are about 30% of them on Earth, should not drive.

4. Predisposition to bad habits

Drug addiction, alcoholism, smoking are not only social problems, but also medical ones. People who instantly become dependent on addictions have a genetic predisposition to them. For example, the likelihood that a person will start smoking is 75% dictated by his genetic characteristics.

5. Musical tastes

In 2009, Nokia conducted a major study on the influence of heredity on the formation of our musical tastes. As part of it, more than 4,000 pairs of twins were interviewed. It turned out that the younger a person is, the greater the influence genetics has on his musical preferences. As you grow older, this dependence weakens and by about 50 years of age, the environment becomes of primary importance.

6. Choosing a partner


It’s sad, but even in such a romantic and sublime matter as a love relationship, genetics plays the first fiddle. When choosing a permanent sexual partner, the most important thing is not eye color, waist size and common interests, but a family of genes called MHC (major histocompatibility complex). Experiments have shown that women try to choose partners with MHCs different from their own, as this gives a greater chance of having healthy offspring. How do they do it?

7. Phobias

It is believed that phobias develop as a result of negative life experiences, which can lead to the emergence of an irrational fear of various phenomena or objects. However, according to a study conducted at Emory University School of Medicine, phobias can be passed on from generation to generation. Scientists used electric shocks to instill a fear of cherries in mice. The offspring of these mice were afraid of cherries from birth, which confirms the hereditary transmission of the phobia. However, this is one of the survival skills inherent in us by nature, so there is nothing surprising here.

What do you think is more important for the formation of a person’s personality - inherited traits or the influence of the environment? And is it possible to correct congenital defects with proper education?