First, as soon as you bring a cut tree home, you need to put it in the coolest place in the house, as a sharp temperature drop can significantly shorten its remaining life. The best place for the Christmas tree for the first couple of days there will be a room in which the temperature ranges from 4 to 10 degrees. In addition, when bringing the Christmas tree home, try to file a couple of centimeters from the bottom of the trunk, as the resin accumulated on the cut can significantly interfere with the flow of nutrition from water to the entire tree.

If you are going to put the Christmas tree in water, then you need to prepare a feeding composition for the water of the Christmas tree. For small pines or spruces optimal amount about 6 liters of water, for trees bigger size at least 10. So, in 6 liters we add three aspirin tablets, 1 tbsp. l. sugar and 1 tsp. salt. If the volume of water is from 10 to 15 liters, then the above ingredients should be twice as much. It will also be useful to add a couple of tablespoons to the water. mineral fertilizer. This composition must be updated every five days.

But it should be borne in mind that the most favorite soil for coniferous trees- it's sand. Therefore, you can safely put the New Year's beauty with a bucket of sand and pour a few liters of top dressing. The tree needs to be watered every two days. Under such conditions, the tree will retain its freshness for at least two weeks.

What else needs to be considered so that the spruce stands longer?

First of all, you need to choose a place for setting the tree. In no case do not place a pine or Christmas tree near a hot or even warm battery. A nearby TV can also cause needles to fall off quickly, so try to choose a place with these factors in mind. Once a day, a coniferous tree needs to be sprayed warm water from a spray bottle.

If you see that any branch has begun to dry out abruptly, then it must be cut off immediately, otherwise the withering process may entail other parts of the tree. It is desirable to lubricate the place of the cut with petroleum jelly or grease.

Also, if possible, try not to overdo it with Christmas tree decorations, as excessive stress on the branches can greatly feed the needles. It is not recommended to hang on the Christmas tree electric garlands the old model, because their heating can provoke an early shedding.

Today you learned how to make your Christmas tree last longer. If you follow these recommendations, then it is likely that the tree may also bloom, which is considered a very auspicious omen. Let your Christmas tree become a worthy decoration new year holiday!

An artificial Christmas tree does not lose its appearance for a long time, while a natural spruce suffers from domestic conditions and begins to quickly lose its appearance and crumble. But before you install a Christmas tree in the water, you should familiarize yourself with some rules for buying a Christmas tree and storing it before installing it in an apartment.

  • Alternatives

Rules for buying and storing a Christmas tree

1. Choosing the right tree is not difficult, you should carefully examine it. The Christmas tree should be fluffy, have a lot of branches on the trunk. A healthy tree has strong, flexible, resilient branches, and green needles that do not crumble.

2. There is such a secret. The tree will last longer if its trunk is also covered with needles. By the way, it is worth examining the top of the Christmas tree, because the broken top of the trunk will provoke the rapid drying of the Christmas tree and a sharp shedding of needles. Do not break off the top when decorating it.

3. The Christmas tree should not be stored on the balcony for a long time, the advance purchase of a forest beauty will not benefit her appearance.

4. If there is no balcony, then you can leave the Christmas tree for several days in the hallway, wrapping the tree trunk from below with a damp cloth and wrapping it in plastic bag.

5. Before installing the Christmas tree in the apartment, you need to saw off the trunk a little, sharp knife remove the bark by two decimeters to open additional ducts and fresh pores for water to enter the trunk of the tree.

6. To install a Christmas tree indoors, you can use a container with sand. The sand is heavy, so the tree will stand firmly in it. In addition, it is convenient to pour water into it, which is necessary in order to add substances to it in the form of top dressing, which help the needles not to crumble for a long time.

Note! Installation Christmas trees near heating appliances and systems is strictly prohibited. Dry hot air adversely affects appearance needles.
In order for the tree to stand longer and not crumble, you can add folk remedies to the water.

Types of nutrient mixtures for the Christmas tree

1. Take 2 liters of water and add 2 tablespoons of salt and sugar to them, as well as a crushed tablet of acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin). Such a solution will nourish the wood and protect against mold and bad smell in a vessel of sand.

2. Thoroughly mix half a teaspoon of citric acid powder, a tablespoon of crushed chalk in 3 liters of water and pour the mixture into the sand. Later, add only clean, slightly sweetened water.

3. You can use this solution. For 1 liter of water, take 1 aspirin tablet and 3 tablespoons of sugar. As necessary, add water with part of an aspirin tablet and a few crystals of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate).

4. Add to the vessel as the sand dries, you can add a solution in a ratio of 2: 0.5: 1, respectively, ammonia and potassium nitrate, superphosphate.

5. Add 1 tablespoon to 2 liters of water table salt and gruel of slaked lime.

6. In 3 liters, it is enough to dilute 5 gr. citric acid powder, 6 gr. dissolved gelatin and 16 gr. chalk powder.

Important! Almost all fertilizers that are used in winter time for top dressing indoor plants, can be used to maintain the forest beauty in good mood, because in these special mixtures there are all the substances for nourishing and strengthening the green mass of plants, including conifers.

Here are a few top dressing options you can add to your Christmas tree water to keep it fresher and longer. All these substances can be found in everyone, so the problem, it turns out, is not so difficult to solve.

To feed the needles, it is recommended to spray the branches with water from a spray bottle once a day.


Today, on the market, you can find live Christmas trees at pre-holiday sales in tubs or with roots carefully wrapped in film. This option is especially suitable for those who live in private homes.

After the holidays, the purchased beauty can be planted in the soil, but this option is not very suitable for the northern regions. But even if in the middle climatic zone several hundred coniferous trees are planted in the ground near the house, in the nearest forest or in the park, this will be a huge contribution to the restoration of the green coniferous nature park.

If you purchased a green beauty a few days earlier, then do not rush to install it. It will be better if you hold the tree for a couple of days in the cold. If this is not possible, it is necessary to immerse the end of the tree trunk in a container filled with water and glycerin. For 10 liters of water there should be 2-3 tablespoons of glycerin. If you do not have this component, then you can add 0.5 teaspoon of urea.

So that the tree does not crumble as long as possible, it should be installed correctly. by the most ideal option is sand, and not anyhow, but certainly clean. After filling the bucket with sand, add one liter of water mixed with a small amount glycerin or gelatin. You can make another solution. To prepare it, you will need one aspirin tablet and 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar. If you decide to use this option for installing a Christmas tree, you should pay attention to the following: the tree trunk must be immersed in the sand by at least 20 centimeters. Also, do not forget about watering - it should be done every two days.

There is another option, but it keeps the tree fresh for a shorter amount of time. Fill the prepared container with water and add half a teaspoon of citric acid into it, as well as a teaspoon of gelatin and a little chalk. The latter should be pre-crushed.

The last way to save a Christmas tree is to wrap the place where the tree was cut with a rag that is moistened special solution. In order to prepare 1 liter of solution, you will need 2 tablespoons of Triple Cologne and a tablespoon of glycerin. After 10 days have passed, a new mixture must be made. When the second 10-day period expires, the rag should be moistened with plain clean water.

And the last thing you should always remember. Whatever method you use, at the bottom of the trunk, you need to cut the bark by 8-10 centimeters. By planing the trunk in this way, you will open the fresh pores of the tree, which will help it to last much longer.

Soon the most fun and fabulous holiday - New Year. The mood in the house is created by the forest guest, the green beauty of the Christmas tree. But how to keep the Christmas tree as long as possible? What can be done so that the needles do not crumble ahead of time?

It happens, it happens that after a week there is no trace of the smell of pine needles. And after a couple of days it turns yellow, and all the needles fall off. To prevent this from happening, you need to know a few secrets on how to keep the Christmas tree for a long time.

The most important thing in the long-term preservation of the Christmas tree is to learn how to choose the right tree when buying.

  • The trunk of the Christmas tree for sale should not be too thin, otherwise the green beauty will not last long and will quickly crumble.
  • Needles should not only be on her eyelids, but also be in a thick layer on the trunk. The color of the needles is only dark green, without any yellow or brown tints.
  • On a cut of a tree trunk, there should not be a wide brown border.
  • The freshness of a tree can be checked by lightly hitting it on the floor. If the needles remain in place, then the spruce is fresh.
  • Branches on Christmas trees should be elastic and not brittle in any way. This is very easy to check by bending them a little. A fresh branch will easily bend in all directions. If the forest beauty was cut down a long time ago, then its branches will immediately break when bent.
  • The fact that the Christmas tree only from the forest says its smell. The less time has passed since cutting down the tree, the more fragrant it is. After tearing off a couple of needles and rubbing them in your hand, an oily crust should remain on the skin.

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Transporting New Year's guest home, watch carefully so that the branches and the top do not break. To do this, the tree is carefully tied, collecting branches closer to the trunk.

2 secret - getting to know the room

When the Christmas tree got to your home, do not rush to immediately bring it into warm room. Let it stand in the cool for a while to acclimatize. Many people wrap it in wrapping paper and put it on the balcony. In this form, it is until the time when it comes time to decorate.

How to save a Christmas tree so that it does not crumble as long as possible? Having brought the Christmas tree into a warm room, you should not immediately unfold and untie it. It needs to warm up in a couple of hours. room temperature. And after that, it's time to untie the branches from the trunk. The tree is shaken, a few needles may fall off a little.

Then you need to saw off the bottom of the trunk at an angle of 45 degrees and remove the lower branches. But never throw them away. From twigs make a New Year's wreath, Ekibana or any other holiday decoration. If you just put it in a vase of water, it will also be very festive.

Using a sharp knife, peel the bark of the trunk in a circle up to twenty centimeters in height. This is done in order to open fresh pores. To make them open as much as possible, dip the barrel in hot water with the addition of vinegar. After watering the Christmas tree, the pores will absorb everything useful components and it will stay fresh for as long as possible.

3rd secret lies in the water

Before installing the spruce on permanent place, first let her be well saturated with moisture. To do this, you need to take settled water, melted snow is very suitable, fill a bucket with this liquid. Leave your Christmas tree in a bucket of water for 3-4 hours.

In some water, add half a glass of sugar, 5 grams of salt, 25 grams of glycerin, 50 grams. cologne. An aspirin tablet should also be added to kill all rotting bacteria. Salt and sugar will nourish the tree.

4 secret - sand

The tree is nourished, now you need to install it in a permanent place. You can use a bucket by pouring sand into it. Or purchase a special stand in which there will be water all the time.

Take a bucket or a big one flower pot and fill it with clean sand. The sand must be well watered. Put a tree in it and water it every day. Be careful to keep the sand wet all the time.

In order to Christmas tree stood as long as possible, it is watered with the addition of:

  • Salt, sugar and aspirin;
  • A solution of fifty percent glycerin;
  • Gelatin, pre-filled with water;
  • 5 grams of citric acid per 3 liters of water;
  • Powdered chalk or white clay;
  • Shop coniferous dressings also prolong the life of the New Year's beauty;
  • If you add a solution of potassium permanganate to the water, Pink colour, then it is quite possible that by the end of the holidays the tree will take root.

To store the Christmas tree in water, you need to either purchase such a holder, with a water tank inside it. Or install the forest beauty in a bucket, cutting off the lower branches so that they tightly rest against its edges, while holding the tree.

Make sure that the water in the bucket is always above the level where the bark is cut. The same is added to the water nutritional supplements, as when watering sand.

You can add fertilizers that are left from the garden to the water. Urea is often used by adding it and leaving the Christmas tree in it for a day. The next day, take out the tree, make a large cut at the very bottom of the trunk, stick a piece of woolen, undyed fabric into it, and put the tree back in the bucket.

Or 5 gr. superphosphate, 25 gr. ammonium nitrate and a pinch of potassium nitrate. Mix all this and pour a tablespoon daily into the water.

Students of one of the Forest Scientific - Research Universities conducted experiments in which solution the Christmas tree is stored longer. One was placed in sweet water, aspirin was added to the second. And by the third, they put a copper coin.

The first place was taken by sweet water. In it, the tree stood the longest, practically without crumbling. But the most best option- add three components at once.

5 secret - if the tree is in a pot

If you bought live spruce growing in a special pot, then bringing it into the house, do not bring it to a heat stroke. In the cold, she will feel good, and when she comes from the street, first for a while, put her in a cooler room. And so gradually bring it into the apartment.

For those who use artificial christmas tree When you take it out of its case where it has been stored all year, just give it a good vacuum. It would seem that it would be better to wash it, but this cannot be done. Otherwise, if water gets in, the iron base of the New Year's building will rust.

A decorated Christmas tree is an invariable attribute of the New Year holiday. Coniferous aroma, familiar from childhood, plunges you into the atmosphere of a fairy tale and magic. How to make the tree stand for a long time?

To make it coniferous plant pleased with its aroma and beauty for a long time, you need to follow certain rules.

To make the tree stand for a long time

The safety of a Christmas tree depends on a number of factors. After studying the details of each stage, you will learn how to make the tree stand longer.


It is unlikely that it will be possible to prolong the life of a long-cut tree for a long time. But fresh spruce has every chance to stand for a long time. When buying a coniferous plant, pay attention to the following points:

  1. The color of the needles should be rich green, and the needles themselves should be even and elastic. Yellow needles are a sure sign that the tree is old.
  2. Squeeze the branch and run your hand over it: a few needles have fallen off - the tree is stale.
  3. Do not buy a plant if you notice a dark border on the cut of the trunk. This is also a sign of the fragility of spruce.
  4. The branches should bend well, be resilient and elastic. If the lower branches break, then the tree will soon wither.
  5. When rubbed, fresh pine needles emit an aroma, leaving traces of resin on the fingers.
  6. Choose a tree with a thick, needle-covered trunk.
  7. Knock the tree on the ground - needles will begin to crumble from a tree cut down a long time ago.

Transport and storage

When transporting spruce, be careful not to break the top of the tree. Tie the spruce legs with twine to the trunk. The Christmas tree itself can be wrapped with burlap or other dense fabric.

If you want the tree to stand for a long time, it is better to store a coniferous plant in the cold. Before you bring the tree into the room, you can hold the tree for a couple of hours, for example, in the stairwell.

This is especially true if you bring the Christmas tree in from the cold and want to immediately put it in the room. Remember that a sharp temperature drop can be detrimental to the plant.


Before installing a New Year's tree, be sure to update the cut, clean it from the bark a few centimeters. This will open new additional pores through which the plant will receive nutrients, which means it can stand for a long time.

Make a cut at a right angle, and remove the lowest branches.

There are several ways to install a Christmas tree:

  • In a container with water, in which citric acid was previously diluted (half a teaspoon).
  • In a container with moistened sand. Instead of sand, you can put small pebbles. Before adding water to the sand, dilute glycerin, an aspirin tablet and a couple of tablespoons of sugar in it. The spruce trunk should go to a depth of approximately 20 centimeters. And don't forget to water the sand!
  • If you're using a tree cross, wrap a piece of wood with a damp cloth and dampen it periodically.

favorable conditions

If you want to make the tree stand for a long time New Year, make sure that the room where the green beauty is standing is not hot. Try to put the spruce away from heaters, open flames and other heat sources. To keep the plant fresh longer, spray spruce branches with a spray bottle.

The lifespan of a sawn tree is also affected by how it is decorated. It is better to decorate the Christmas tree with small LED bulbs. During operation, they emit less heat, which negatively affects the safety of the plant. Old garlands with ordinary electric light bulbs get very hot and quickly dry out the tree.

If you still don’t know how to make the Christmas tree stand for a long time at home, time-tested folk recipes will help:

  1. Dissolve 3-4 tablespoons of glycerin in water and lower the spruce trunk there a couple of days before installation.
  2. Add some sugar and salt, as well as an aspirin tablet, to the water in which the tree stands.
  3. Water with potassium permanganate crystals dissolved in it can become a kind of microfertilizer. The solution should be a rich pink color.
  4. Some advise putting pieces in the water copper wire or copper coins.
  5. Among folk recipes there is a special nutritional composition: 1 tablespoon of ammonium nitrate, 1 teaspoon of superphosphate, half a teaspoon of potassium nitrate. Dissolve all this in water and add 1 tablespoon daily.
  6. citric acid and chalk, crushed into crumbs, mix in equal proportions and add to the water for the plant.
  7. A common but controversial tip: pour cola or lemonade into the water where the tree stands. Chemical substances, which are part of these drinks, act as preservatives.
  8. Clean the trunk of the tree. Mix acetic acid with boiling water and dip the tree trunk into the resulting solution immediately after cleaning. Boiling water opens the pores of the wood, and vinegar protects against pests and is a preservative that prolongs the life of the tree.
  9. Add a special fertilizer for coniferous plants to the water.

When caring for a green beauty, do not forget that the evaporated water or nutrient mixture must be constantly added. Make sure that the lower part of the barrel is immersed in liquid or sand for at least 20 centimeters. The nutrient mixture must also moisten the fabric in which the trunk of the tree is wrapped, if it is in a cross.