Alkyd or acrylic paint: what to choose?
Quite often in everyday life it becomes a question of giving novelty to any household items. The predominant solution to this problem is painting. By painting a variety of surfaces, you can give not only beauty, but also protect against the adverse effects of the atmosphere or mechanical stress. To date, there is a huge amount of paints and varnishes that can satisfy the most demanding tastes of customers. Among them, two types of paints have tangible weight: alkyd and acrylic. Naturally, the question arises: what is better to use for painting?

1. What are the advantages of alkyd paints?

As you know, alkyd paints are classified as low molecular weight polymers, which are formed by polycondensation of a mixture of alcohols and polybasic acids. This explains their ability to be quite easily modified and form certain protective films. This oxidation is influenced by oxygen, which is contained in the air in excess for such a reaction. Accordingly, the ability to harden (sometimes the term "oligomerization" is encountered) was one of the factors that alkyd-based paints began to displace oil paints from the market for this type of product.

An indisputable factor in favor of alkyd paints is the relatively low cost. In the context of the need to save money when carrying out repair work, the affordability of prices for many buyers is decisive. And this factor provides a stable growth in the popularity of this type of paint among competitors.
The next advantage is the ease of applying paint to the surface. It is no secret that people of completely different levels of professionalism undertake the work. These can be specialists with a significant amount of specialized knowledge, and beginners who decide to paint something for the first time and have no idea what steps to go through. Virtually anyone who is ready to follow the attached instructions can apply this composition. The presence of the most ordinary roller or paint brush, the correct dilution in the indicated proportions, a suitable solvent - this is the necessary minimum, which is available without the need for additional knowledge.

Variety of shades and drying time. The range of shades offered by manufacturing companies is huge. The buyer has the opportunity to choose the color of the painted surface based on their preferences and artistic taste. The brightness of the color and the saturation of the shades have always favorably distinguished paints based on alkyds. And if we add to this complete drying within a few hours, achieving maximum coating strength within a couple of days, then the advantages of alkyd paints become obvious.

2. Disadvantages of alkyd paints

Of course, there are no ideal things. Alkyd paints are no exception and, along with undeniable advantages, have a number of significant disadvantages.
fragility. Unfortunately, the susceptibility of surfaces painted with alkyd paints to atmospheric phenomena and mechanical stress is quite high. If these unfavorable factors have been exposed for some time, there is a possibility that the painted surface may lose its original appearance. There is even yellowing after about a year of staining. To restore the appearance, it is necessary to update the painting, which requires additional physical effort and money. If there is no readiness for such a possible development of events, then the way out is to consider painting with more resistant paints and varnishes.
Insufficient level of resistance to ultraviolet rays. If the task is to use paint for exterior decoration, then it must be borne in mind that in direct sunlight the coating quickly becomes covered with cracks, and there is a high probability of fading.
Toxicity. It must be remembered that the composition of alkyd paints includes volatile compounds that evaporate both during work and upon drying. Manufacturers recommend not to be in the room with the applied composition within a day from the moment of staining. Additionally, it is worth remembering the strict compliance of the type of solvent used with that indicated in the instructions on the package. Strict observance of all points will increase the service life of the painted product with guaranteed quality in terms of brightness and saturation.

3. In favor of acrylic paints

Acrylic is a polymer formed by the hydrolysis of lactic acid. Much better known is the name "organic glass". The advantages of acrylic-based paints are obvious.
Thermal resistance. The preservation of the main qualities and characteristics under the influence of elevated temperatures has made this type of paint a priority when painting, for example, water pipes with hot water. The same paints are used for painting radiator grilles. The manufacturer's warranty states that the paint will last more than one year without yellowing and retaining its original appearance.
Lifetime. Manufacturers claim that metal surfaces painted with acrylic paints do not lose their useful protective and aesthetic properties for up to 20 years. The service life of wooden painted surfaces is much less and is about 9 years, which, however, is directly due to the material on which the paint layer is applied. These figures can be achieved provided that the surfaces must be cleaned of old paint and primed before painting.
Resistant to UV radiation and corrosion. Unlike the competitor discussed above, acrylic paint perfectly withstands the effects of sunlight, so it is a great option for finishing exterior surfaces. This type of paint not only protects the painted surface from corrosion, but also allows you to apply a layer of paint directly on top of the rust.
An additional advantage is the environmental friendliness of acrylic paints and varnishes. The absence of elements harmful to health allows you to comfortably use them indoors.

4. Cons of acrylic paints

The most significant drawback of acrylic paint is its price. It costs much more than alkyd, so its use over large areas can lead to significant costs. Here it is worth noting the possible uncleanliness of product sellers who are ready to sell a base fake, which will affect not only quality, but also the budget.
The next disadvantage is the drying time. The parameter depends on the humidity of the air and its temperature. Experts note that it takes up to two to three days to achieve maximum hardness of the coating.

5. And if you combine?

Here the answer is unequivocal: it is not worth it. Moreover, the answer does not depend on the material of the surface to be painted and the order in which the layers are applied. Either the composition will have poor adhesion, or dark spots will appear. You can combine only when the life of the old paint is almost over, but before that the material must be primed.

6. So which paint is best?

To choose the right paint, you need to assess the need of the buyer. The optimal decision is made, taking into account all the differences between alkyd paints and acrylics. So, if there is a sufficient budget and expectations of maximum service life, the buyer is likely to choose an acrylic composition.
But if the task of repairing at minimal cost is in the foreground, it makes sense to opt for alkyd paints. It is clear that then the life of the coating will be significantly lower.

Today, a wide variety of paints and varnishes is presented on the market of finishing materials. As the reviews on the forums, photos in catalogs and videos on construction Internet resources show, alkyd and acrylic paints are especially popular. So what's the difference, and which is better? To find the answer, you need to understand in detail the features of their composition, application and properties.


Alkyd paints are a modern version of classic oil paints because they have a similar curing mechanism (oligomerization). They are made from alkyd resins, which, in turn, are created by thermal treatment of various vegetable oils with the participation of polyhydric alcohols. This is evidenced by the term "alkyd", derived from the words alcohol ("alcohol") and acid ("acid"). Enamels are sold in dissolved form. Depending on the type of alcohol component used (glycerol or pentaerythritol), they are divided into pentaphthalic and glyphthalic. Dissolve traditionally:

  • white spirit;
  • orthoxylene
  • nephrasom

Acrylic paints are based on polyacrylic polymers. Acrylic is commonly known as plexiglass and is produced by the hydrolysis of lactic acid. These paints are water-based and varnished. In order to obtain a certain degree of elasticity and resistance to environmental factors, fillers and additives are used.

Properties and scope

The main difference between alkyd and acrylic paints is the natural origin of the first and synthetic - the second. Alkyds are quite versatile and can be applied to:

  • wood;
  • a rock.

They create a harder but less elastic film than their colored oil counterparts. They are rarely used for painting, but due to their neutrality to household chemicals, they are often used indoors when it is necessary to obtain a shiny, durable surface of rich, expressive color.

Acrylic paints tend to be less bright and have a muted matte effect. They are offered on the market in a grandiose range of solutions and are suitable for both artistic solutions and for building and finishing work, including rust. Demonstrating a weak vulnerability to atmospheric influences, they are applicable for facade work.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of alkyd-based paints include:

  • fast drying;
  • resistance to moisture and chemicals;
  • ease of work;
  • low price;
  • an impressive selection of shades.

The initial polymerization occurs after an hour, and the maximum hardening is achieved within a few days. Painting does not require professional working equipment. Of the problematic points, it is worth highlighting the not very long durability of the coating - with intensive use and exposure to ultraviolet radiation, after a few years it can turn yellow. In addition, when evaporating, the components emit a specific smell, due to which it is not recommended to be in a freshly painted room without ventilation.

The acrylic group retains its excellent strength and aesthetic characteristics even at elevated temperatures, making it suitable for painting radiators and similar heating structures. Due to high adhesion, it lasts up to eight years on wooden products, and up to ten years on plastered and metal products. Additional benefits include:

  • resistance to UV rays, which is important for exterior decoration of buildings;
  • transparency, allowing the use of paint for light wood species;
  • good hiding power at low consumption;
  • provision of natural ventilation.

They dry from half an hour to two hours (drying time depends on the ingredients of a particular solution and the state of the environment), although it takes a long time to gain final strength. With appropriate additives, they provide excellent protection against corrosive processes and are even suitable for rust. Random smears are easily removed without deforming the rest of the area. Among the minuses are the relatively high cost, the use of solvents.

Can you paint on top of each other?

Acrylic and alkyd paints are not very compatible due to the significant difference in their components. Combining them, you risk getting a swelling of the coating, and with the reverse algorithm, you are likely to experience delamination. But, if it became necessary to put one paint on another, the base should be:

  • thoroughly clean from dust and dirt;
  • sand with fine-grained sandpaper;
  • primer.

Preparatory measures will improve adhesion and reduce the likelihood of peeling, but the service life of the resulting layer is reduced by at least two times.

Which paint is best?

From the facts described above, it is clear that it is impossible to unambiguously answer this question. Acrylic paint is more wear-resistant, but if we are talking about a limited budget and visual impact, it is rational to give preference to the alkyd category.

On our website you will find paintwork materials of various types and you can buy them in Moscow and Russia on favorable terms.

In construction and repair, acrylic and alkyd paints are often used. What are their features?

What is acrylic paint?

TO acrylic include water-dispersed (dissolved in water) paints, in which the main coloring substances are various polyacrylates. As a rule, polyacrylate copolymers are also present in the composition of these materials - they are added to the paint as film formers.

Acrylic paints are available in a wide range of varieties - for painting, for construction and repair. Their most remarkable property is their resistance to water after drying, despite the fact that these paints, as we noted above, are water-dispersed.

What is alkyd paint?

TO alkyd include paints that are made on the basis of alkyd resins. They are supplied for sale dissolved in turpentine, kerosene, white spirit. In some cases, drying oil is added to the paints. Other resins, as well as various oils, are used as film formers.

Alkyd resins have a certain degree of natural origin. They are obtained by thermal processing of various vegetable oils, as well as mixing them with acids.

Alkyd paints are most often used in interior decoration. Their main advantages are resistance to atmospheric moisture and temperature extremes. But, as some experts point out, alkyd paint is still less weather resistant than acrylic.

Alkyd paints look aesthetically pleasing because they form a shiny surface with a bright color. Can be applied to metal, wood and many other materials used in construction and interior decoration.


The main difference between acrylic paint and alkyd paint is that the first one is of synthetic origin, the main binder in it is synthetic polymers. Alkyd paint is based on the appropriate type of resins, which are produced using raw materials that are, to a certain extent, of natural origin.

"Acryl" is supplied to the market dissolved in water. Alkyd paint is sold dissolved in petroleum based products.

The materials under consideration also differ in scope. So, alkyd paints are rarely used for painting. But they may be preferable to acrylic when finishing, if the color of the painted surface should be bright, and the object itself, covered with paint, should shine.

Acrylic paints are considered by some to be more weather resistant than alkyd paints. Therefore, repainting surfaces when they are involved is usually less common. But acrylic paints tend to be more expensive than alkyd ones.

Having determined the difference between acrylic and alkyd paint, we will reflect the conclusions in the table.

In this article, we will give a detailed answer to this question and help you decide on the choice of the best car enamel in its class. It’s worth saying right away that acrylic paints, in terms of the ratio of their properties, occupy in the conditional competition “Alkyd or acrylic paint?” leading place, so we will start the review with them.

Acrylic car enamels are a clear winner in the comparison "alkyd paint or acrylic paint, which is better?"

Here is a set of properties for which we consider acrylic the winner in this competition:

  • High reflective characteristics of the painted surface;
  • A short period of time from application to complete drying;
  • Resistance to mechanical stress;
  • Small shrinkage when painting.

Acrylic car enamels are divided into two types - hard (HS) and soft (MS). The first type creates a durable coating, but cannot be polished, the second type is well polished, and therefore has become more common in secondary painting and car repair. You can find a large selection of different price levels in our online store, we recommend trusted manufacturers:,. Their products have passed the necessary certifications and are of high quality, as well as easy to use even for inexperienced and novice car painters.

What is the difference between alkyd paint and acrylic paint?

Alkyd or acrylic paint, what do they have in common? Completion of material

Finally, I would like to say about what is similar in alkyd or acrylic paint for cars. When working with both compositions, it is necessary to carefully carry out the preparatory stage, remove everything that may seem unreliable and degrease the surface to be painted. Do not forget about safety precautions and, since both acrylic and alkyd enamels may contain toxic components.

We hope that the material seemed interesting to you, and we will be happy to help you with the selection of both car enamels and related products!

- alkyd or acrylic? This question is asked by many motorists who have decided to update the appearance of their car. Here it should be said that there is no definite answer - it is worth taking into account the purpose of painting and the allocated budget for auto repair. Let's consider further the strengths and weaknesses of the two types in order to make it easier to make the right choice.

Alkyd paint for cars: the pros and cons of coatings

Alkyd has been used for painting for more than a decade and has managed to prove its positive qualities. It is used to give an updated look to the body due to the ease of application to the surface and the wide variety of color shades in the palette. It polymerizes quickly and does not need to be applied in several layers, however, it requires careful surface treatment before painting and mandatory varnishing - this can significantly improve the performance of car enamel.

Do not forget that fast setting leads to the formation of a thin film, which, under all environmental conditions, does not allow the entire applied layer to dry quickly and evenly in depth, so now special hardeners are added to the car paint composition. Alkyd protects the surface from aggressive external influences and, as a result, from corrosion processes, but it is short-lived. After a short time, most likely, it will be necessary to renew the surface due to peeling, faded color and loss of attractive gloss. A big advantage of such coatings is low cost.

Advantages and disadvantages of acrylic paint for a car

Acrylic paints are increasingly used in car painting and occupy a significant place on the shelves in. This is a new generation of paintwork materials that do not have the main drawbacks of their predecessors, including alkyd enamels. The advantages of acrylic paint for a car include:

  • fast drying time;
  • resistance to various mechanical and weather influences;
  • non-toxicity;
  • small shrinkage;
  • good reflective properties.

Please note that acrylic paints are presented in two types - hard (HS) and soft (MS). Hard ones create an even and durable coating, but cannot be polished. Soft paints are chosen when performing local repairs or secondary painting.

Among the shortcomings of acrylic should be called a low degree of hiding power. This means that at least 3 layers of paint must be applied to the surface, and it is important to immediately correct any errors, since they will become painting defects even if made on the first layer.

Whatever car paint you prefer, it is necessary to adhere to the technology of its application, as well as to carefully carry out preparatory work in the treatment of the surface to be painted. and any other "MarketEm" offers at an affordable cost and in a huge range.