Over the past few years, Irish featherweight fighter Conor McGregor (16-2 MMA, 4-0 UFC) made a splash in his division not only thanks to his fighting qualities, but also his ability to express his thoughts a la Chael Sonnen. Having appeared in the UFC last year, McGregor managed to become the No. 1 contender in his weight class in less than 12 months. In his last fight, the Irishman managed to effortlessly stop division threat Dustin Poirier. The Irish fighter, who became a star overnight, established himself as an excellent “speaker” from his first appearance in the UFC organization. The editors of the site invite you to familiarize yourself with the most chic phrases of the Irish superstar.

We present to your attention the 10 most striking phrases of Conor McGregor:

#10: After defeating Dustin Poirier at UFC 178, the fighter's trainer John Kavanagh awarded him a brown belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu, despite the fact that the fight never went to the ground. No wonder the Irishman thinks he's very good!

“I didn’t even fight to get my brown belt! I must be the best brown belt on Earth!”

#9: McGregor may be walking around in bespoke suits now, but when he debuted in the UFC, he only had a splurge in his pocket.

#8: Injuries are part of the sport, so McGregor was willing to do anything to win his fight against Max Holloway.

“I couldn’t get out of my head for a few seconds, but remembering the past, I just should have pulled my knee out of my leg and hit him with it.” .

#7: McGregor's trash talk is truly epic and he had to use his entire vocabulary before his fight with Dustin Poirier.

“He’s a quiet little hillbilly from some unknown hole. I guess his cousin's name is Cletus."

#6: Looks like someone watched the movie "Strangers Among Us" before the press conference.

“There are two things I love to do: kick ass and look good. I'm doing one of them right now, and on Saturday night I'm doing the other one."

#5: You can't make 500 million friends without making an enemy in Cole Miller.

“Eighteen or seventeen fights in the UFC, I don’t even know. This son of a bitch couldn't even get off Facebook. Mark Zuckerberg called him and tried to get him out of there. Nobody cares about him."

#4: You can bet with anyone that in the future this statement by the Irish fighter will be included in the golden fund of motivational quotes.

“I am bold in my forecasts. I'm always confident in my preparation, but I'm always humble after winning or losing."

#3: Everyone knows that the Irish are a very warlike people. This time McGregor made it clear that one Irishman in the field is not a warrior!

“If one of us goes to war, we all go to war!”

#2: Conor loves making money almost as much as making it. Who else would buy $5,000 suits and Rolex watches?

“These bespoke suits are not cheap. This gold watch... three people died making it. I need to get people out of my way. I need big fights. Very soon I will find myself in debt."

#1: As mentioned earlier, the Irish have war in their blood, war and only war.

In the history of any nation there come periods of wars and expansions. At the same time, we can single out the most warlike peoples of the world, for whom cruelty and belligerence have become an integral part of their culture. Entire generations of warriors grew up, for whom battles became the main meaning of their lives. About the most famous tribes from this list - in this article.


The Maori are among the most warlike peoples in the world. This is a tribe that lived in New Zealand. Its name literally means “ordinary,” but in reality, of course, there is nothing ordinary about them. One of the first Europeans to meet the Maori was Charles Darwin. This happened during his voyage on the Beagle. The English scientist emphasized their unprecedented cruelty, which was especially pronounced towards the British and white people in general. The Maori had to fight them repeatedly for their territories.

It is believed that the Maori are autochthonous. Their ancestors arrived on the island about two thousand years ago from Eastern Polynesia. Until the British reached New Zealand in the middle of the 19th century, the Maori had no serious rivals at all. Only from time to time internecine wars arose with neighboring tribes.

Over these centuries, traditions and customs were formed, which then became characteristic of most Polynesian tribes. They are inherent in the most warlike peoples of the world. Thus, the prisoners’ heads were cut off and their bodies were completely eaten. There was a way to take away the enemy's power. By the way, Maori took part in two world wars, unlike other Australian aborigines.

Moreover, during the Second World War, their representatives insisted that their own battalion be formed. There is a remarkable fact about the First World War. During one of the battles, they drove away the enemy only by performing their war dance called haku. This happened during the offensive operation on the Gallipoli Peninsula. The dance was traditionally accompanied by terrible grimaces and warlike cries, which simply discouraged the enemy, giving the Maori a significant advantage. Therefore, we can confidently call the Maori one of the most warlike peoples in the world in history.


Another fighting people who also acted on the side of Great Britain in many wars are the Nepalese Gurkhas. They received the definition of one of the most warlike peoples in the world back in the days when their country remained a British colony.

According to the British themselves, who had to fight a lot with the Gurkhas, in battle they were distinguished by unprecedented courage, aggressiveness, physical strength, self-sufficiency, and also the ability to lower the pain threshold. Even the English army had to surrender under the pressure of the Gurkhas, armed only with knives. As early as 1815, a full-scale campaign was launched to recruit Gurkha volunteers into the ranks of the British army. Quite quickly they gained fame as the best soldiers in the world.

Gurkhas served in the First and Second World Wars, the suppression of the Sikh uprising, the war in Afghanistan, and the conflict between Britain and Argentina over the Falkland Islands. And today the Gurkhas remain among the elite fighters of the British army. Moreover, the competition for getting into these elite military units is simply enormous: 140 people per place.

Even the British themselves have already admitted that the Gurkhas are better soldiers than them. Perhaps because they have stronger motivation, but the Nepalese themselves claim that money has absolutely nothing to do with it. Martial art is something they can really be proud of, so they are always happy to demonstrate it and put it into practice.


The list of warlike peoples of the world traditionally includes the Dayaks. This is an example of how even a small people does not want to integrate into the modern world, trying by any means to preserve their traditions, which may be completely far from human values ​​and humanism.

The Dayak tribe has earned a fearsome reputation on the island of Kalimantan, where they are considered head hunters. The fact is that, according to the customs of this people, only the one who brings the head of his enemy to the tribe is considered a man. This situation among the Dayaks continued until the beginning of the 20th century.

Literally the name of this people is translated as “pagans”. They are an ethnic group that includes the peoples of the island of Kalimantan in Indonesia. Some representatives of the Dayaks still live in hard-to-reach places. For example, you can only get there by boat; most of the achievements of modern civilization are unknown to them. They preserve their ancient culture and traditions.

The Dayaks have many bloodthirsty rituals, which is why they are included in the list of warlike peoples of the world. The custom of hunting human heads continued for a long period until the Englishman Charles Brookes, who came from the white rajahs, was able to influence the people who knew no other way to become a man other than to cut off someone's head.

Brooks captured one of the most warlike leaders of the Dayak tribe. Using both the carrot and the stick, he managed to set all the Dayaks on a peaceful path. True, people continued to disappear without a trace after that. It is known that the last wave of massacres swept across the island between 1997 and 1999. Then all the world's news agencies reported on ritual cannibalism in Kalimantan, and small children playing with human heads.


Kalmyks are considered one of the most warlike. They are descendants of Western Mongols. Their self-name translates as “breakaways,” which hints that the people never accepted Islam. Currently, the majority of Kalmyks live on the territory of the republic of the same name.

Their ancestors, who called themselves Oirats, lived in Dzungray. They were warlike and freedom-loving nomads, whom even Genghis Khan could not subjugate. For this, he even demanded that one of the tribes be completely destroyed. Over time, the Oirat warriors nevertheless became part of the army of the famous commander, and many became related to the Genghisids. So modern Kalmyks have every reason to officially consider themselves descendants of Genghis Khan.

In the 17th century, the Oirats left Dzungaria and made a great transition, reaching the Volga steppes. In 1641, Russia officially recognized the Kalmyk Khanate, after which Kalmyks began to serve in the Russian army on a permanent basis.

There is even a version that the famous battle cry “hurray” came from the Kalmyk word “uralan”, which literally translated into our language means “forward”. As part of the Russian army, Kalmyks especially distinguished themselves in the Patriotic War of 1812. Three Kalmyk regiments fought against the French at once, that’s about three and a half thousand people. Based on the results of the Battle of Borodino alone, 260 Kalmyks were awarded the highest orders of Russia.


In world history, the Kurds are usually called among the most warlike peoples. Together with the Persians, Arabs and Armenians, they are the most ancient peoples of the Middle East. Initially, they lived in the ethnogeographical region of Kurdistan, which after the First World War was divided among several states: Iran, Turkey, Iraq and Syria. Today the Kurds do not have their own legal territory.

According to most researchers, their language belongs to the Iranian group, while in terms of religion there is no unity among the Kurds. Among them there are Muslims, Christians and Jews. Largely because of this, it is extremely difficult for the Kurds to come to an agreement among themselves.

This feature of this warlike people was noted by Doctor of Medical Sciences Erickson in his work on ethnopsychology. He also argued that the Kurds are merciless towards their enemies and at the same time very unreliable in friendship. In reality, they only respect their elders and themselves. Their morality is at a very low level. At the same time, superstitions are very common, but religious feelings are extremely poorly developed. War is one of their innate needs, which absorbs all their attention and interests.

Modern history of the Kurds

Note that it is difficult to judge how applicable this thesis is to today’s Kurds, since Erikson conducted his research at the beginning of the 20th century. But the fact remains: the Kurds have never lived under centralized power. As Sadrin Alexi, a professor at the Kurdish University in Paris, notes, every Kurd considers himself a king on his own mountain, because of this they often quarrel among themselves, conflicts often arise out of nowhere.

Paradoxically, despite all this uncompromisingness, the Kurds most dream of living in a centralized state. So the so-called Kurdish issue currently remains one of the most pressing in the entire Middle East. Unrest occurs regularly, during which the Kurds try to achieve autonomy by uniting into an independent state. Such attempts have been made since 1925.

The situation became especially aggravated in the mid-90s. From 1992 to 1996, the Kurds launched a full-scale civil war in northern Iraq; now the unstable situation remains in Iran and Syria, where armed conflicts and clashes occur from time to time. At the moment, there is only one state entity of the Kurds with the rights of broad autonomy - this is


It is widely believed that the Germans are a warlike people. But if you examine the facts, it turns out that this is a fallacy. Germany's reputation was greatly damaged by the 20th century, when the Germans started two world wars at once. If we take the history of mankind over a longer period, the situation will be completely opposite.

For example, the Russian historian Pitirim Sorokin conducted an interesting study in 1938. He tried to answer the question of which European countries fought more often than others. He took the period from the 12th to the beginning of the 20th century (1925).

It turned out that in 67% of all wars that took place during this period, the Spaniards took part, in 58% - the Poles, 56% - the British, 50% - the French, 46% - the Russians, 44% - the Dutch, 36% - Italians. The Germans took part in only 28% of wars over 800 years. This is less than any other leading state in Europe. It turns out that Germany is one of the most peace-loving countries, which only in the 20th century began to show aggression and belligerence.


It is believed that the Irish are a warlike people. This is a nation that descended from the Celts. Historians claim that the first people appeared on the territory of modern Ireland about nine thousand years ago. Who these first settlers were is unknown, but they left behind several megalithic structures. The Celts settled the island at the beginning of our era.

The famine of 1845-1849 was decisive in the fate of the Irish people. Due to widespread crop failure, approximately one million Irish people died. At the same time, grain, meat and dairy products continued to be exported from the estates that belonged to the British all this time.

The Irish emigrated en masse to the United States and Britain's overseas colonies. From then until the mid-1970s, Ireland's population declined steadily. In addition, the island on which the people lived was divided. Only part became part of the Irish Republic, the other remained in the United Kingdom. For decades, the Catholic Irish waged resistance against the Protestant colonists, often resorting to terrorist methods, for which the Irish are included in the top warlike peoples.


Since 1916, a paramilitary group called the Irish Republican Army began to operate. Its main goal was the complete liberation of Northern Ireland from British rule.

The history of the IRA began with the Easter Rising in Dublin. From 1919 to 1921, the Irish War of Independence continued against the British Army. Its result was the Anglo-Irish Agreement, in which Great Britain recognized the independence of the Irish Republic, reserving Northern Ireland.

After this, the IRA went underground, starting terrorist attacks. Movement activists are constantly on buses, near British embassies. In 1984, an attempt was made on the life of British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. A bomb exploded at a hotel in Brighton where a Conservative conference was taking place. 5 people died, but Thatcher herself was not injured.

In 1997, the dissolution of the IRA was announced; an order to end the armed struggle was issued in 2005.

The warlike peoples of the Caucasus are well known in Russia. First of all, we are talking about the Vainakhs. In fact, these are modern Ingush and Chechens, who leave no less a bright mark in modern history than their distant ancestors.

The Vainakhs offered heroic resistance to the armies of Genghis Khan and Timur, retreating to the mountains. Then their famous defensive architecture was built. An ideal confirmation of this is the fortresses and watchtowers of the Caucasus.

Now you know which peoples are the most warlike.

©Reebok Combat Sports with Ronda Rousey & Conor McGregor

Conor McGregor is an Irish mixed martial artist, UFC champion in two weight categories. In just a few years, he went from a plumber to the most famous athlete on the planet. Read carefully the 25 best quotes from Conor McGregor and get inspired by the experience of this unique man.

Society's attitude towards Conor is polar. Many people are put off by arrogance, defiant behavior, and disdain for rivals. Some people think McGregor's success is an accident, that he doesn't deserve respect. A similar opinion can arise if you look at the Irishman superficially, catching only quotes circulated in the media.

If you listen to various interviews and learn about the path of development of Conor McGregor, you certainly begin to be imbued with respect and sympathy for this man, you begin to understand why Conor succeeded.

You don’t need to listen to numerous interviews, trying to catch the right words; I tried to collect the best quotes that best characterize him as a person. If you can imbue Conor with experience and wisdom, perhaps you will become a little better.

About work:

About attempts:

“If you don’t think about the championship belt, it’s better not to be in the UFC. Now there are a lot of guys here who don’t have the goal of becoming first in their heads. I have a different mindset, it’s better to shoot and miss than not to shoot at all.”

On supporting his girlfriend:

“We've been together for eight years. We lived in Ireland 30 km from Dublin in a rented apartment. I spent all my time in the hall. I believed that one day I would become a champion and she believed in it. Despite the lack of money, Dee prepared healthy food for me and helped me maintain a routine. She gave herself to it. When I came home exhausted, she always said: Conor, everything is fine. You can do this"

About thinking:

“When everything is going great, it is easy to imagine the good things in life, what is really not easy is when everything is bad, to continue to think about the good things.”

About training:

About the team:

“I always believed in my team that we were the best and I was right. Some people leave coaches and move to other gyms; for me this is a sign of weakness, weakness of spirit. I have a bulletproof team, a team that benefits from me and gives me confidence."

On the impact on mixed martial arts:

About perfection:

“Excellence is not skill, it is attitude. It's all in your head, you are who you say you are. I tell myself that I am a champion in two weight categories. You have to see in your head first before your eyes can see it. I hope this inspires people to do what they really want."

About the mood:

“Irish mothers support their sons in anything. My father likes to say that no matter what nonsense I do, my mother will always support"

About concentration:

“It's human nature. People will listen and draw positivity from my words, be inspired and move forward. Others will criticize and spread negativity. The difference is that some will stay put. People who are inspired by this will rise up and one day also experience a similar life. It's human nature"

About the importance of the moment:

About the award:

“I am enjoying the fruits of my hard work. Nobody works harder than me in and out of the cage. I'm a workhorse. I'm going to enjoy the benefits of this life. I'll buy a big mansion in Las Vegas, I'll buy myself convertibles, I'll bring my whole team, I'll pamper them, I'll give them this life."

About believing in yourself:

“The only thing that matters is how you see yourself. If you see yourself as a king with all the belts and all, it doesn't matter what others say, if you see yourself like that and you really believe it, it will be so. No one has the right to dictate what your eyes should see and what you are capable of. I saw this life for myself, from day one I saw myself as a champion, even when not a single person believed in me, it was 24/7 in my head. It gives me confidence"

About the past:

About gratitude:

“Gratitude is a powerful force in attracting good things if you truly feel grateful for what you have in your life. I am always grateful even for small things, I always celebrated small victories, now I celebrate something bigger, but I have always been happy for every good little thing in my life, even when I had no money, I celebrated and was grateful for everything.”

On predicting Jose Aldo knockout:

“If you see it in your head and have the courage to say what you see, it will happen. I see these blows, I see their sequence, I do not avoid these images. Often people believe in something, but they keep it to themselves, they don’t take it out... I knew that he would stretch out too much, I knew that I would catch him. So, Mystic Mac strikes again."

About fate:

About fighting with yourself:

About the influence of the environment:

“Every person is a product of his environment, so I try to be with competent people, to isolate myself in order to concentrate on my goals. Isolation, visualization, motivation and dedication, there is nothing else in my life. It should be like this, no outsiders, you should have a team and focus on your business. I don't need friends who aren't involved or on a different path, it just doesn't matter."

There are 4.8 million people living in Ireland. Despite their small numbers, the Irish have left a noticeable mark on world culture and science and to this day are one of the most enlightened nations.

The Irish character cannot be called traditionally European. They are open and friendly, do everything on a grand scale, and love noisy feasts. These people will treat the first person they meet as if they were their friend: they will show you the way, ask about your plans, and at the same time tell you a funny story. Friendliness, responsiveness and an excellent sense of humor are their main national traits. No wonder in 2010 Publishing house Lonely Planet recognized Ireland as the friendliest country in the world!

Population of Ireland

The indigenous people of Ireland are descended from the Celtic Gaelic tribes who moved here in the 5th century BC. In the 8th century, the Vikings came to the territory of the kingdom, founded cities here (including Dublin) and had a huge influence on the formation of the nation. The Irish are distinguished by red hair, blue eyes, tall stature and a thick build. And in their character one can trace the traits of their warlike ancestors: directness, perseverance and independence.

Today, Ireland is a multinational state, the basis of which is the Irish (90%). The more than 40 other nationalities include British (2.7%), EU (about 4%) and Asian and African immigrants.

Most residents are Catholics. The national languages ​​are English and Irish, the study of which is given attention at the state level.

Culture and life of the peoples of Ireland.

Irish literature is considered the third oldest in Europe (after Greek and Roman). Its founder is Saint Patrick, who wrote the Confessions in Latin. Three Irishmen have received the Nobel Prize in Literature. Residents of this country love to read books, and many write poetry and publish them in local magazines.

Architectural monuments include Irish dolmens (ancient stone structures), ancient fortresses, Gothic-style buildings (Christ Cathedral in Dublin) and classical manors from the time of English rule. Commoners lived in adobe or stone one-story houses with a hearth, which was considered the “heart of the house.” Songs and folk tales were dedicated to him. Modern Irish people prefer to live in brick houses without any special frills. The only decoration is the bright multi-colored doors, which are the hallmark of Ireland.

The main highlight of Irish culture is folk music and dancing. Irish "solo dancing" with energetic footwork is famous throughout the world. In Ireland itself, dance shows are so popular that you can watch them in ordinary pubs and drink a glass of beer here.

Traditions and customs of the peoples of Ireland.

This country loves to hold noisy fairs with musical performances and sports competitions. Here you can also have a tasty and satisfying meal. Irish cuisine is traditionally simple: potato stew, pickled herring, colcannion (a cabbage and potato dish). It is customary to wash it all down with beer or the famous Irish whiskey.

On New Year's Eve, the Irish do not close the doors of their houses so that anyone can come to visit them.

The main public holiday is St. Patrick's Day (March 17). The arrival of spring is greeted with parades and carnivals. The Irish wear green clothes, Leprechaun hats and decorate themselves with shamrock leaves. Even beer turns green on this day. Every city has an atmosphere of cordiality and general fun.

Details 21 Sep 18 - 09:46 Details

The champion of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), Russian Khabib Nurmagomedov, promised to crush the Irishman Conor McGregor in the title fight. The Russian fighter stated this at a press conference.

“I’ll just crush him,” Nurmagomedov said. “His wrestling is no good, it doesn’t meet any standards. I’ll just calmly go out and break his face. And then he can return to boxing.”

The press conference took place on Thursday in New York. In April of this year, a conflict occurred between the athletes, during which McGregor attacked a bus with athletes, where Nurmagomedov was also present. The Irishman later appeared in court and was sentenced to community service.

McGregor is one of the most popular UFC fighters; he has fought 24 fights in mixed martial arts, winning 21 (18 early) and suffering three defeats; he won his first UFC title in 2015. McGregor was the first UFC fighter in history to hold two titles in different weight categories (featherweight and lightweight) at the same time, but on November 27 last year it was announced that the Irishman was stripped of the UFC featherweight title. In January of this year, McGregor was also stripped of his lightweight belt for passivity (he has not fought since 2016).